Early Bird Entries Close 28th February 11:59pm
Early Bird Entries Close 28th February 11:59pm. Sign Up before the 28th of February and guarantee your Race Singlet Size.
CPTU Entries Open 26th December 12 Noon QLD Time 13:00 EDST. BTU Early Bird Entries Close Soon.
It’s time to get excited! The second edition of Cairns Port Douglas Trail Ultra is on the 2nd and 3rd of September, 2023! Entries Open on 26th December BOXING Day at Noon Queensland Time 13:00 ADST.
CPTU - New Maps
We are edging closer to capacity at the Cairns Port Douglas Trail Ultra. Jump on our website now and secure your spot at the Early Bird special price. We’ve added CPTU120, CPTU80, CPTU40, CPTU80, and CPTU20 Entries. We need to be careful with our numbers as international shipping is slow, meaning we are ordering our medals and buckles now. Our first 500 Entries also receive a complimentary limited edition CPTU Race Singlet.
CPTU News July
Cairns Port Douglas July Update. 15% Discount Code BTU21 Entrants, changes to the CPTU80 Start Time Now 07:00 am, changes to the CPTU10 Beach Smash Start Time now 06:00 am.